Thursday, December 9, 2010

This is what I'm listening to today.

I like music and bullshit like dat and all.
I tend to have one song that I listen to over-and-over that day. The next day I move on to a different song. Its interesting how each person listens to music uniquely.
We are all so different. Its amazing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Take a picture and a bucket of tears and help yourself to the rain, dear.

No, body, please, now is not the time to be sick. Wait one week, I beg you.
Why must you do this to me? I am nice to you. I feed you well, I exercise you well, I rest you well.
Why do you taunt me?

To do:
Shakespeare paper- fix
HIstory of English articles- read
Math- understand
ED 120 project- finalize
Christmas presents- buy
Apartment- clean
Laundry- please
Music- memorize
Body- heal
Coffee- BREW.

I could have it worse.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Banksy is cool.

He robbed the store. Just of a bouquet. So he could give them to his wife. As he told her she was dying.

More Banksy Here.

2 More Sara Teasdale

Hmmm.... I'm afraid this poet and I may share a soul.

I love the way she uses apostrophes. She talks TO the lovely chance. This is the way I think. Its spiritual. She also recognizes the importance of chance in life.

Water Lilies I dedicate my friend who has just ended a relationship. She tells me he is reminded of him everywhere she looks. I am looking forward to her returning to her hometown over winter break and being away from the memories of him. When she forgets, she can be at peace.

Lovely Chance

O LOVELY chance, what can I do
To give my gratefulness to you?
You rise between myself and me
With a wise persistency;
I would have broken body and soul,
But by your grace, still I am whole.
Many a thing you did to save me,
Many a holy gift you gave me,
Music and friends and happy love
More than my dearest dreaming of;
And now in this wide twilight hour
With earth and heaven a dark, blue flower,
In a humble mood I bless
Your wisdom—and your waywardness.
You brought me even here, where I
Live on a hill against the sky
And look on mountains and the sea
And a thin white moon in the pepper tree.

Water Lilies

If you have forgotten water lilies floating
On a dark lake among mountains in the afternoon shade,
If you have forgotten their wet, sleepy fragrance,
Then you can return and not be afraid.
But if you remember, then turn away forever
To the plains and the prairies where pools are far apart,
There you will not come at dusk on closing water lilies,
And the shadow of mountains will not fall on your heart.

7.7/10 feel the way I do.

I Am Not Yours

User Rating:

7.7 /10
(15 votes)

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love--put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.

Sara Teasdale